Erin Taylor

Erin Taylor, of Taylor Strategies & Consulting, LLC, Cheyenne, serves as the Executive Director of the Wyoming Association of Community College Trustees (WACCT). Erin has more than twenty-five years of experience working in the public policy arena at the federal, state and local level. Taylor earned an undergraduate in economics and her Master of Science degree in regulatory and environmental economics from the University of Wyoming. She is active in her community through Cheyenne Rotary and local service organizations. Taylor received several prestigious awards and recognitions over the term of her career, including:
Graduate of Leadership Wyoming, 2006
Named one of Wyoming’s 40 Under 40, 2008.
U.S. Senate Leadership Summit for Young Professionals, 2006
U.S. Senate Women’s Leadership Summit, 2008.
Past president of the Wyoming Society for Association Executives
Graduate of the Institute of Organizational Management, a professional development program of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 2011
Appointed by Governor Matt Mead to the Wyoming Arts Council
Appointed by Governor Matt Mead to the Wyoming Lottery Corporation
2011 Participant in the American Council of Young Political Leaders exchange to Pakistan and India
Wyoming Business Report’s Women of Influence Award 2013, Non-profit category
Current Vice President of the Wyoming Business Alliance